Archive for the ‘JSF’ Category

Environment (JDeveloper, ADF BC, ADF Faces, hr schema)

ADF Faces provides several validation types; UI component attributes validation, default ADF Faces validators, and custom ADF Faces validators. The last type (custom ADF Faces validators) enables you to create your own validation logic in a Java class then you can use it as a validator to your UI component. The custom validator can be created for a specific component in a single page, or can be created to be used in all pages in your application. In this example, I will explain how to build your own custom validator that can be used in all pages. This example based on hr schema, mainly on Employees table, and assumed that you already have built your BC. Our business rule is that the PHONE_NUMBER attribute should be at least 9 digits. The steps to build your own validator are:

  1. Create a Java…

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