Archive for the ‘Performance’ Category

Oracle ADF


  1. In order for an ADF application to support High Availability in clustered environment with server fail over. The below steps must be followed in developing an ADF application.
  • All Manage Beans must implement Serializable.
  • UI component bindings must be declared in a bean with shorter scope (backing bean scope or request scope).
  • If it needs to be declared in Manage Bean with PageFlowScope (Not recommended), please ensure you declare the binding as transient.
  • Any objects that are declared as an attribute in Manage Bean must be Serialized.
  • Ensure that all managed beans with a life span longer than one request are serializable (that is, they implement the interface). Specifically, beans stored in session scope, page flow scope, and view scope must be serializable.
  • Verify that Oracle ADF is aware of changes to managed beans stored in ADF scopes (view scope and page flow scope) and enable tracking changes…

View original post 291 more words

Shay Shmeltzer's Oracle JDeveloper and ADF Blog

Picking up from yesterday’s post about using the External Tools->Ant Operation to integrate third party utilities into JDeveloper, here is a quick entry that shows how to integrate the FindBugs utility in a similar way. (You should probably watch the Checkstyle video first).

First get findBugs and extract it onto your hard drive (in my case I extracted it to C: to get the folder C:/findbugs-2.0.0.

Then in that directory I created the following ant build file:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”windows-1252″ ?>
<project xmlns=”” default=”init”>
<taskdef name=”findbugs” classname=”edu.umd.cs.findbugs.anttask.FindBugsTask”/>
<target name=”init”>
<property name=”findbugs.home” value=”C:/findbugs-2.0.0″ />
<target name=”findbugs”>
<findbugs home=”${findbugs.home}” output=”text”>
<sourcePath path=”${basedir2}/src/java” />
<class location=”${basedir2}/classes” />

When you create the External Tools -> Ant operation you’ll point to that file and choose the findbugs operation. You then define basedir2 as a property of the Ant operation and uses the ${project.dir} value in JDeveloper. And you can…

View original post 78 more words

Matt Cooper’s Weblog

If you are noticing client-side performance issues in your ADF Faces application and must support legacy browsers like Internet Explorer 7 and Internet Explorer 8, there are many techniques available to help optimize your application for these browsers:

  1. If you use af:region and the jsff page fragment files have more than 1 root component, optimize it by arranging these components with a single root component. For example, if you want your region contents to stretch, you might have one visible content component and a series of popup components, put the visible content component inside of a “center” facet of an af:panelStretchLayout and put all of those popups in the “bottom” facet but also make sure to assign bottomHeight=”0px”. If you don’t want the contents to stretch, simply wrap these components with an af:panelGroupLayout layout=”vertical”.
  2. Avoid using a af:panelStretchLayout where topHeight, bottomHeight, startWidth, or endWidth is set to “auto”.
  3. Minimize uses…

View original post 141 more words