Posts Tagged ‘af:message’

Environment (JDeveloper, ADF Faces)
ADF Faces uses the standard JSF messaging API. JSF supports a built-in framework for messaging by allowing FacesMessage instances to be added to theFacesContext object using theaddMessage(java.lang.String clientId, FacesMessage message) method. In general there are two types of messages that can be created:component-level messages, which are associated with a specific component based on any client ID that was passed to the addMessage method, and global-level messages, which are not associated with a component because no client ID was passed to the addMessage method.

in this post, I will show how to show af:message programatically.

  • global level message:

To show a global level message, use this method:

public String showMessage() {
        String messageText=”A prgramatic af:message”;
        FacesMessage fm = new FacesMessage(messageText);
         * set the type of the message.
         * Valid types: error, fatal,info,warning

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