Posts Tagged ‘cloud’

JDev & ADF Goodies

I almost missed that Developer Cloud Service has been updated to 12.2.1. Great news as we now can use JDeveloper 12.2.1 to access the agile capabilities like

  • Interact with Tasks/Issues in JDeveloper
  • Leverage the Team view in JDeveloper (tasks, builds, and code repositories)
  • Connect to DevCS and its projects from inside JDeveloper
  • Create Agile boards and manage sprints in Developer Cloud Service
  • Associate code commits with specific tasks
  • Monitor team activity in the Team Dashboard
  • Handle Git transactions

For more information about how JDeveloper and the DCS are integrated watch this video ‘Agile development with Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle Developer Cloud Service’.

This was possible since last year. So, what’s new?

New is that the JCS is also available in 12.2.1 and that we can use the whole continuous integration scenario. For this we have to configure a 12.2.1 JCS instance which then can be used for deployment. When…

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