Posts Tagged ‘Oracle ADF’

JDev & ADF Goodies

This post describes how to implement an dvt:treemap which shows a af:popup when the user clicks on a detail node in the map.
The documentation of the dvt:treemap component tell us that the dvt:treemapnode supports the af:showPopupBehaviortag and reacts on the ‘click’ and ‘mouseHover’ events.
This is part of the solution and allows us to begin implementing the use case. We add an af:showPopupBehavior to the nodes we want to show detail information for.

After creating a default Fusion Web Application which uses the HR DB schema, we begin with creating the data model for the model project. For this small sample the departments and employees tables will be sufficient.

The views are named according to their usage to make it easier to understand the model. This is all we need for the model.

Let’s start with the UI which only consist of a single page. The page has…

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JDev & ADF Goodies

A question on the JDeveloper & ADF OTN forum about removing rows from a table which is based on a list of POJOs provides the reason for this blog post. The implementation, as simple as it is, holds a surprise.

The sample application build for this sample shows the POJO and the list of POJOs built from it. The list is lazy initialized at the time it’s first accessed (see for more info on this technique). On the only page a table build from this list.

In the last column we add a button which should remove the row.

As the table is build on a list, we can’t use the default selection listener to get the selected row. Instead we use a setPropertyListener to pass the selected row index to a viewScope variable.

The actionListener we use for the remove button picks up the row index and users…

View original post 274 more words

JDev & ADF Goodies

The new JDeveloper version 12.2.1 is just out and has a lot of new features to investigate. In this post we see how remote task flows work. Yes, they are finally here and they are working. At least if you install a patch available from
The downloadable version on JDev 12.2.1 has a small bug which prevents you from running remote task flows (refer to Support and the dev team quickly delivered a patch for this. To get the patch, open a service request and ask for a patch for bug 22132843.

Let’s start. We need two applications to show how remote task flows are implmented. One is the remote task flow producer, one consumes the remote task flow. An application can be both, producer and consumer. For this sample we keep it simple and define one app as producer and one as consumer.

Producer Application
This application…

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JDev & ADF Goodies

I almost missed that Developer Cloud Service has been updated to 12.2.1. Great news as we now can use JDeveloper 12.2.1 to access the agile capabilities like

  • Interact with Tasks/Issues in JDeveloper
  • Leverage the Team view in JDeveloper (tasks, builds, and code repositories)
  • Connect to DevCS and its projects from inside JDeveloper
  • Create Agile boards and manage sprints in Developer Cloud Service
  • Associate code commits with specific tasks
  • Monitor team activity in the Team Dashboard
  • Handle Git transactions

For more information about how JDeveloper and the DCS are integrated watch this video ‘Agile development with Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle Developer Cloud Service’.

This was possible since last year. So, what’s new?

New is that the JCS is also available in 12.2.1 and that we can use the whole continuous integration scenario. For this we have to configure a 12.2.1 JCS instance which then can be used for deployment. When…

View original post 199 more words

Oracle ADF


  1. In order for an ADF application to support High Availability in clustered environment with server fail over. The below steps must be followed in developing an ADF application.
  • All Manage Beans must implement Serializable.
  • UI component bindings must be declared in a bean with shorter scope (backing bean scope or request scope).
  • If it needs to be declared in Manage Bean with PageFlowScope (Not recommended), please ensure you declare the binding as transient.
  • Any objects that are declared as an attribute in Manage Bean must be Serialized.
  • Ensure that all managed beans with a life span longer than one request are serializable (that is, they implement the interface). Specifically, beans stored in session scope, page flow scope, and view scope must be serializable.
  • Verify that Oracle ADF is aware of changes to managed beans stored in ADF scopes (view scope and page flow scope) and enable tracking changes…

View original post 291 more words

Oralublog - Oralution's Blog

This is a very short post to show all ADF Developers currently working in the latest version of JDeveloper, a new feature that has been brought in this release powered by JSF 2.0. 

View original post 125 more words

As you might know Oracle ADF security is not included in ADF Essentials. For more information please refer to:

There are several solutions to secure your application for free. You may implement security totally by yourself in java code, you may use other security frameworks like Apache Shiro or use the Glassfish JAAS – based authentication. In this post I will explain the last option:

For more information about Glassfish JAAS based authentication check:

– In your database create a table (or view) that will contain the application users and roles.

– In your Glassfish go to Configurations > server-config > Realms and press New to create a new Realm



– Select Class Name from the drop down:

– Fill the values as needed for your application


* You may insert the Digest Algorithm and Password Encryption Algorithm if the password of the users is stored encrypted. JAAS will make the encryption/decryption by itself without hard-coding anything.

– Back into your Fusion Web Application. Create two pages: login.jsf and error.jsf. In error.jsf just inform the user about the wrong credentials inserted. The code in login.jsf should be something like this:


– Open your application web.xml file and insert the login configuration. The REALM name is the one you created in glassfish.



You have to create a security-constraint in your web.xml to define the web resources that should be accessed from a certain role. You may have many security-constraints within your web.xml.



– Create a glassfish-web.xml file in your WEB-INF folder and define your application user roles there. This is a necessary step when deploying in glassfish.




The configuration is now complete. Once you run your application in Glassfish, the login.jsf page will open automatically and access to the requested resource (page) will be allowed only if credentials are valid. If authentication fails you will be redirected at error.jsf.

– The username of the user that accesses the application through the JAAS authentication can be taken from FacesContext as below:

Principal principal = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getUserPrincipal();
String username = principal.getName();