Posts Tagged ‘popup’

JDev & ADF Goodies

This post describes how to implement an dvt:treemap which shows a af:popup when the user clicks on a detail node in the map.
The documentation of the dvt:treemap component tell us that the dvt:treemapnode supports the af:showPopupBehaviortag and reacts on the ‘click’ and ‘mouseHover’ events.
This is part of the solution and allows us to begin implementing the use case. We add an af:showPopupBehavior to the nodes we want to show detail information for.

After creating a default Fusion Web Application which uses the HR DB schema, we begin with creating the data model for the model project. For this small sample the departments and employees tables will be sufficient.

The views are named according to their usage to make it easier to understand the model. This is all we need for the model.

Let’s start with the UI which only consist of a single page. The page has…

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In ADF showing a popup comes easy using the Show Popup Behavior operation from ADF Faces. However sometimes it is handy to control the popup behavior through managed bean method. To achieve this:

1- Bind your popup to a managed bean property, lets say myPopup

2- In your managed bean method, apart from your application logic add these rows:

RichPopup.PopupHints hints = new RichPopup.PopupHints();

3- To hide or close your popup:

RichPopup popup = getMyPopup();