Posts Tagged ‘remote’

JDev & ADF Goodies

The new JDeveloper version 12.2.1 is just out and has a lot of new features to investigate. In this post we see how remote task flows work. Yes, they are finally here and they are working. At least if you install a patch available from
The downloadable version on JDev 12.2.1 has a small bug which prevents you from running remote task flows (refer to Support and the dev team quickly delivered a patch for this. To get the patch, open a service request and ask for a patch for bug 22132843.

Let’s start. We need two applications to show how remote task flows are implmented. One is the remote task flow producer, one consumes the remote task flow. An application can be both, producer and consumer. For this sample we keep it simple and define one app as producer and one as consumer.

Producer Application
This application…

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