Posts Tagged ‘tables’

JDev & ADF Goodies

This post is a continuation of an earlier blog about how to reset a filter on an af:table.
A question on OTN JDev and ADF spaces brought a change to my attention which I like to share here.
Using the code from the former post now results in a depreated warning in 12c:

Warning(7,28): getFilterCriteria() in has been deprecated

and a look into the javadoc for the getFilterCriteria() method showed

Deprecated. Please use #getFilterConjunctionCriterion

AFAIK you only get the javadoc if you have access to the source code of ADF which you can get via

Knowing what to use instead of the deprecated method is half the solution. It turned out that it’s not enough to to use the new method to get the FilterConjunctionCriterion but that you have to iterate over the ConjunctionCriterion and reset them one by one. Here you have to check which type of…

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